Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cheerleading C5

Yes, I know you know. Blake is an All Star Cheerleader with the Cheer Central Suns. And, I know you know, she is amazing! I have a difficult time not mentioning that. Her team, CoEd 5 will do great things this season, I know. We will travel to Atlanta and Dallas in February and also to Orlando again if they receive a world bid. Even though she did receive a World Bid last year when she was on the Junior 5 team, they are very difficult to come by.

C5 First Competition

So, 10 minutes before going on the floor to compete, one of the flyers lands on her head and is taken from the arena on a stretcher. She is fine now. Thank God! Cheer is a very dangerous sport. When viewing the video, keep in mind someone is missing. Enjoy! View this montage created at One True Media
C5 2008
Oh yea, I am not supposed to post this on line. Such a rebel!

Grandma's Popcorn Ball Recipe

It is no secret that Evan LOVES to hang out at Grandma Perry's house when she is in town. She recently gave Evan her popcorn ball recipe so he could put together a video presentation for school. Enjoy! View this montage created at One True Media
Popcorn balls

Evan and Robotics

Evan recently joined a Robotics Club at school. He LOVES his legos and this activity really was a great opportunity for him to incorporate that love with his mechanical skills. Their team competed at a competition at the School of Mines and did very well. They earned an opportunity to compete at the State Competition in mid December. The competition includes robot challenges that their team of 6 have programmed, teamwork assessment, and a presentation on Climate. At State, out of 55 teams, they came out at 16th place. We were very proud. I put together a montage of his first competion. Enjoy! View this montage created at One True Media
Storm Chasers

Miss Blake has her driver's permit!

Yes, Miss Blake is driving. I am surprised that she is not very Gung Ho about it. I think it may because her friends are all getting their licenses so she can just catch a ride with them. Driving in the city is a lot different than where I learned to drive. We will be going home to Salida for Christmas. She'll get some good driving time there ~ cruising F Street. Oh, takes me back! :o)

Happy Halloween!

Clay and I go to a annual Halloween party at our dear friends, The Wiggins. Miss Blake's high school mascot is the Saber Cats! We chose to go as the Saber Cats! ~ cats with light sabers. Always a good time! Also, Evan does a great Fred Flintstone!

Homecoming 2008

Miss Blake was nominated for Homecoming Royalty at Fossil Ridge High School for her sophomore year. It was quite a great time! The school really goes all out with their assembly. They choose a theme every year and decorate the gym to represent that theme. This year was a Renaissance theme. The seniors dressed as Kings and Queens,the juniors as Lords and Ladies, and of course, the sophomores were the peasants. Miss Blake still looked gorgeous in her peasant attire as they had to walk a cat walk and show off their new look.

Before the homecoming dance, we invited a few of Blake's friends over for dinner. We had the back yard decked out with white lights, tables draped in black and green table cloths, stereo equipment, and candlelight. . . . and it rained. So we took it inside and still had a great time. ~ a great group of kids!