Thursday, April 29, 2010

Orlando Trip to the World Championships!

Springtime in Orlando was sunny, warm, and relaxing. It snowed in Colorado while we were gone. ;o).

Miss Blake's team did fantastic but did not make it to the finals on Sunday. The night before we left for Orlando, the team had their final practice from 6 to 9. Right before the end of practice, two members of the team suffered serious injuries. Their injuries resulted in Blake having to relearn her entire routine with new, inexperienced members of the team. She practiced til 11 p.m., drove home to Fort Collins, arrived about 12:30 a.m., and we left for the airport at 3:30 a.m. The team performed the new routine for the first time on the mat at the semi-finals. I couldn't be more proud of their ability to rally. They did great! The division in which they compete is the most difficult and they represented Colorado proudly.

We have several pictures with teams from out of the country. I had to giggle when Blake would ask if she could get her picture taken with them, I would take the picture, and then they all would hand me their camera to get a shot for them as well.

Not making it to finals meant we had a lot of time to spend at the parks and at the pool. Blake chose the parks, I chose the pool. She turned 17 on Sunday and their team celebrated at their Prom Sunday night. It was a fun trip! No worries, no regrets!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

World Championships!

Miss Blake and I are off to Orlando. Her team, the Cheer Central Suns, Unlimited COED Level 5 team will be competing Saturday morning and hopefully Sunday, too. This all depends on their Saturday performance. We are excited. This is her third year in a row competing at this very prestigious competition. Cheer Central ~ Let's go SUNS!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Back to Reality!

Clay and I had a very nice vacation in Cozumel. We came home relaxed, tan, and craving American food and water. The weather was nice for our first few days and then the rain began to fall. Two days of rain in Mexico really makes you appreciate our dry weather in Colorado. The kids did great in Fort Collins. Evan won both of his flag football games and passed his physical fitness test for Civil Air Patrol. Miss Blake is gearing up for the World Championships next week. I think she is really glad to have Mom and Dad home to try to ease her stress. Thanks so much to Grandma and Grandad Perry for taking such good care of our kiddos!!!! I don't think they missed us one bit! ;o) Well, maybe a little.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Decisions . . .Decisions . . .

The pool? . . . The beach? . . . The pool ?. . . The beach? . . . Lovin' Cozumel!!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mexico for a week!

Every year, my boss takes his entire staff to Mexico. Clay and I will be leaving soon to Cozumel for a week. The kids are staying behind with Grandma and Grandad Perry. We are looking forward to a vacation together. Unfortunately, Grandma and Grandad are going to have their work cut out for them. Evan just started flag football and Civil Air Patrol and Miss Blake is gearing up for the World Championship in Orlando at the end of April. They will be busy while we are away. We . . . will not. ;o)

What a life!

Moose and Conan are becoming very close friends. They now share a chair in the living room. ;o)

Happy Easter!

I am always surprised how excited the kids are to color eggs. For Miss Blake to give up a Saturday night to stay home with the family and create thier masterpieces, it must be pretty important to her. The Easter bunny came and hid thier colorful creations. Conan, the cat, found most of them. Our house sounded like a fooseball table this morning.