Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

The kids are getting older and Halloween just isn't the same. Evan is 13 yet looks like he is 18 so trick-or-treating is out of the question. He needed a new gig this year. He dressed up as "Jason" and sat in the bushes in front of the house. We all got a kick out of the kids who hesitated to come to the door. He didn't confront anyone, just sat silently. Good Fun!
Blake was able to dress up for today's practice where she arrived as a Super Hero!
Please don't grow up. Please don't grow up! Please don't grow up! xo

CSU Football!

We attended the CSU - New Mexico game yesterday and witnessed a big win for CSU!! Blake has some cheer friends who are wanting to cheer at the University of New Mexico next fall so we wanted to check things out. To be honest, we're not feelin' it.
At the game, we ran into several old friends and had a fantastic time. Great day! R-A-M-S- Rams!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

To turn off the other music, scroll down to the bottom and press pause on the ipod. Enjoy! xo

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Poker Party at the Perry's

Evan decided he wanted to go to Hooters with a group of buddies and see how badly his sister could embarrass him. She did a pretty good job!
After Hooters, six thirteen-year-olds came over and played poker. Bless Clay's patient huge heart! He was the dealer and managed to keep them somewhat focused yet very entertained.
The evening ended with a sleep over and a serious game of hide-and-seek! Yikes, my house may never be the same.
Happy Happy Birthday Evan! xo

Saturday, October 16, 2010

FaceBook Post

" . . .well it was a great birthday, no homework and we won the game!"

Leave it to my guy to have such simple expectations. He makes me so proud! xo

Seventh grade football . . . out!

The season is over and we are sad. We had a blast watching Evan and the Preston Pumas play ball this fall. They ended the season 3-5. Watch out for next year's team!! Evan has expressed an interest in wrestling. The first meeting is this Monday. We can't wait! xo

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Official Legal Document!

Well, my little boy is turning 13 in three days! Good thing I have this document he created five years ago after witnessing an argument between his teenage sister and her mom. It reads "When I'm a teanager I will act mitcher." It has his "Signicher" and the "Legle Dockyoment" seal. Phew, I am a lucky mom! Any signs of immaturity and I am playing this card.

Date Night!

Clay and I went to a wedding directly after the game. We stayed the night and enjoyed an evening together. Yeah for Date Night!

CSU Pueblo Game

CSU-Pueblo played the School of Mines this Saturday. Our nephew, Grant, played a great game. He is a strong defensive player and we just love to watch him play. He sacked the quarterback, tipped a ball for an interception, and hustled the entire game. We are very impressed! They didn't get a win, unfortunately, due to, what we think, was a bad call. We enjoyed a chilly fall afternoon with the family.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Like No Place Else

Fall color in Colorado is at its peak. These are some photos a friend of ours took in Ridgeway and Telluride. Too gorgeous not to share! Enjoy! xo

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Big Win against Wellington!!

Preston Pumas 20 - Wellington Eagles 0!!!
It's either going our way BIG or it's NOT. There really has been no middle ground. Evan did great tonight playing both sides of the ball. He came up to Clay and I after the game with a huge smile and a high-five, stating, "That's 4 'pancakes' and 1 injured player!" (The Wellington player Evan tackled on the last play of the game didn't get up for a while.) Proud moment! xo
There are two more games left in the season. We will still have a chance to break even on our season! Go Pumas!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fossil Ridge Football

Blake's high school, Fossil Ridge, played Rocky Mountain High School in football on Friday night. Recently being thrown into the 5A division and struggling to keep a coach on staff, Fossil Ridge was definitely the underdog. At half time, we were down 10 - 28. We came back to win the game 38 - 35 with 3 seconds left in the game. What a night!
The kids from Rocky Mountain are Fort Collins boys who went to elementary school with Blake when we lived on the west side of town. I love those boys and hate to see them defeated. Yet to hear Fossil Ridge students chant "We believe we will win!" with hands held high, I am thrilled and proud to be a SaberCat! Raawrrr!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Senior Class Picture

Now this is crazy. Here is a picture of Blake and her friends, Maddie and Kate. They were taking their Senior Class picture. The picture is the "silly" shot of the entire class. The three girls decided to do the "Charlie's Angels" pose with their fingers posed as guns. When we got the picture back, the school edited out the fingers (guns). I mean, really?!? Come on!!!

Hooters Girl of the Month - October

I know, WHAT?!, right? Blake came home last night to inform us that she was chosen as "Hooters Girl of the Month" for the month of October. They absoluetly love her! Well, who wouldn't? She is still having so much fun working there and we really are proud of her. For working only two days a week and really having no hoot, she really has made an impression. You go girl! xo