Sunday, August 26, 2012

I'm baaaack!!!!

Here we go again! It has been a long while since I have posted on our family blog and not because I have been busy. Honestly, I have been empty. I have allowed my fear of my kids growing up and leaving me suffocate my reality. This long funk of sadness has sucked the life out of me but today I am turning that around!!
In the past, I have always enjoyed posting on my blog because as I said when I started, it is like a daily gratitude journal. Today, I have had such a fulfilling day posting about the last few months. My heart is full again. My children are amazing... and I raised them! My husband is amazing...and he chose me! I know I need to embrace that so once again, you get to read about how wonderful my family is...because they are! Count your blessings! Be grateful for every day! xo


Oh, we are so excited for football! Evan has really done well preparing this season. He has set a great example of hard work and determination! We can't wait for upcoming games! Go Cats! xo

Freshman in High School!

Where does the time go... my little boy is a freshman in high school!!! He has a full load of honors classes and a large commitment to football. His first Homecoming will be in October...I don't know if I am ready for this. xo

Sorority Recruitment

What a great time Blake and I had preparing for her daily outfits during sorority recruitment. This color dress with this color shoe with this type of's like paper dolls all over again! She knows her crazy mama and blessed me with daily photos of her attire! Such a pretty girl! Far prettier on the inside for sure! xo The photos are in order of the days of recruitment. The final photo is her greeting her new sorority sister!

Blake's new bike!

Blake and I drove to Stillwater in the end of July to take her back to school. She went back three weeks early for sorority recruitment. We had a great couple of days preparing for her new room in the sorority house. She wanted to buy a bike for her sophomore year, so we went to WalMart where she found a great little cruiser! I can always count on my goofy little girl to entertain me. She rode her new bike through the aisles of the store. I was amused, I can't say the other shoppers were as well.

Driver's Education!

Evan just completed four Sundays of Driver's Education Class. These eight-hour days of instruction taught him everything he should need to know when he takes his permit test in October. He's a pretty good driver, too! Clay has had him behind the wheel at hunting camp for a few years now. I am excited for him! Next time Blake is in town with her manual transmission, we are going to have a good time teaching him to drive a stick! Should be quite a show, it sure was with Blake! ;o)

Leaving us again

There's always time to snuggle with Daddy! So grown up yet still Daddy's Little Girl! xo

My babies!

Oh, how I love having my kids together! There's a whole lotta love there! xo

Poor Poor Poor Evan

Yea right!

Camp Timberline!

This was Evan's sixth year at Camp Timberline and he wants to go back again next year! I love Camp Timberline! They provide a week of fun, faith, and love for all who attend. At the end of the week, we pick up Evan and hear about all of his outstanding characteristics! This year they complemented him for his humbleness and good nature. I know, right?
He is awesome!
Starting a new job, I couldn't get away to take Evan to Camp Timberline this year. So it was the boys on their own in Estes Park. Clay is getting much better accommodating me and my crazy mama ways...I need pictures, LOTS of pictures. Good job, Clay!

A summer of football training!

Evan devoted a large amount of his summer to football training. He had weight training and practice four mornings a week throughout most of the summer. Everyday the back of his t-shirt said something different, "toughness", "discipline", "selflessness", and "win". Several days of outdoor practice in 100 degree heat, Evan found himself wiped out by Thursday afternoon. We all got a good laugh when I received this picture of Evan taken by Blake, it read "WINNING!!" te he he!

Still mad about Grover!

Evenings on the patio!

Life is good! xo

Back to work!

Blake went back to work at Hooters for the summer. She enjoyed her job and made quite a bit of money to take back to school. She is a hard worker! She is flying home for Labor Day to take on a couple of shifts for the Thunder of the Rockies weekend. We are excited to have her home for a few days! Part of her summer duties were promotional visits at golf courses. She traveled to Grand Junction for a tournament in June. As always, she ran in to some OSU alumni! They are everywhere and are PROUD PROUD PROUD!

Change is good!

I recently made the decision to leave the position I had with my employer of the past four years. I was just not happy there anymore and had not been for a while. It was best for me, my kids, and my hubby for me to move on! And move on, I did! I am now employed at Mountain Kids Pediatric Dentisty. I started as additional administrative help and am now the co-office manager with my dear friend, Jaymi! I love who I work with, I love what the company is about, and I love my job! Wow...that's a change! I am doing most of their marketing which is so fun for me. I was asked to get a gift for one of our referring doctors who recently had a baby boy. I decided to make a diaper motor bike! It was so cute...and I got paid to do what I love. Crazy good!

All together again!

Blake returned home in early May, so I had everyone together again for Mother's Day! Phew, that felt good! I love to sit and visit with the family on the back porch! Not only do I love them with all of my heart, I REALLY like them too! Lucky me! Lucky me! Lucky me!

Track Season

Evan had a great time participating in track this year! He threw the shot and discus and did well for his first year! He also ran the "fat-man's relay" as they call it when the bigger boys participate in a relay. He was I am too! xo

New front yard sod

We have had a weed problem in our front yard since the time we put the sod in in 2003! We finally came to the conclusion that we needed to kill the grass, rip it out, add new top soil, and re-sod! What a project! But between the three of us, we started Saturday morning and finished later that day. I think the neighbors were impressed by my workhorse of a family! At least they were pleased that we took care of the crappy front yard!