Saturday, January 17, 2009

Proud Parents!

Here I am again on my soapbox! My kids ROCK! First semester grades are in and I am so proud! Both Blake and Evan's grades were AWESOME! They both do such a great job juggling school, sports, friends, family and FUN! Second semester ~ Bring it!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Evan's first ski trip this year!

First run of the season became the only run of the day! Not quite what we expected, even though Evan has never been my graceful child. Clay and Evan went to El Dora Ski Area this past Sunday. This was Evan's first time out this year. Clay decided to try a blue run first time. The first few minutes went great, then Evan hit a steep hill and his weight shot him down that hill so fast, he couldn't stop. He managed to fall, crash, and burn and took out a tree in the process. His goggles were crushed and he broke his thumb. Thank God that was it! Clay is more shook up than Evan. Helmets will be mandatory next trip and I am trying to talk him into starting on a green run. Let's see how that goes over.