Sunday, August 2, 2009

Recreation Baseball was a hit!!!!

Evan's team did not finish undefeated, but they did finish winners! What a great season. Fortunately, the coach was very conscious of the spirit of recreational ball and played every player at every position. The boys learned so much and matured quickly. Evan had a great season! Again, he is a steady player and very reliable! Go Evan! xo

Camp Timberline ROCKS!

Evan has left for camp for 7 days. I know he loves it there, but GOSH it is hard on me to not have my gentle giant here. He's enjoying the high ropes course, the zip line, the outstanding counselors, the worship sessions, and living with a dozen other 11 year olds without parent supervision. Woo Hoo! I cant wait to see him on Wednesday. The ride home may be difficult. I doubt he will have showered the entire time. P U!!! xo

The Perry's visit Mount Rushmore!

Just a quick 5 hour drive north, and we were there. What beautiful country - even in Wyoming! I have always loved driving long distances with Clay and the kids. I feel like they are all mine and I don't have to share with all of their social life distractions. (It helps that we couldn't get cell phone service in Wyoming ~ Yea Wyoming!) We enjoyed seeing the monument which truly is amazing and worth the trip. We explored Rushmore cave, which also was fun and historical. Alpine slide is always fun no matter where you are. Great trip overall! Thank you, thank you, thank you for my dear sweet family! xo