Sunday, May 16, 2010

Flag Football Tournament

Evan's team, the BullDogs, played the Gators for game one of the tournament this Saturday. They lost. They played four more games in a row in the rain and wind and won every one! They ended up playing the Gators again in the championship round. They won!!!! But, since this was a double elimination tournament, they had to play the Gators again because both teams only had one loss under their belt. It rained and rained and the kids played their hearts out. Six and a half hours of playing with bananas and granola bars being their only source of fuel, the final outcome was the Gators won the tournament. The BullDogs made us proud. They were having so much fun!!!! Evan caught a few passes and ran the ball like a mack truck! It was fantastic!! This was a fun, fun, fun season! xo

Saturday, May 8, 2010

No more trampoline pit ;o(

Well, the trampoline has seen better years so we decided to get rid of it. We now have a 17 ft diameter and 3 ft deep hole in the corner of our yard. We don't want the maintenance of a pond and we can't afford a hot tub, so what do we do with this large hole? I say lets deck over it, Clay says let's fill it with concrete, Evan wants a fire pit and Blake wants a HOT TUB!! I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. . . to be continued!

End of the Season Banquet

Blake had her end-of-the-cheer-season banquet today. It's always sad to say goodbye to a fun year. Does this mean we take a break from Cheer Central? Of course not! The new season starts the week of May 17 with new groups and new hopes for the following year. Blake is torn between cheering on a coed team or an all girl squad. We'll see how it all works out! The photo is Miss Blake with her two coaches, Julie and Kyle.

Spring Flag Football

Evan has had a great time playing flag football this season! His team has been dominating the others for six weeks now. They play in the final tournament next Saturday. Miss Blake has been helping out while we were traveling in Mexico, and texted us, "Evan's coaches are HOT!" His coaches are young college kids with a passion for the sport. They have been fantastic! Note the blonde coach and his bare feet! :o) . . . and check out the height of my son!!! Sheesh!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The "little brother"

She was wearing three inch heels. "Let me take a picture with Evan so I can be taller than him!" NOT!!!! xo

Junior Prom

She looked amazing! She had a blast! Her date was her boyfriend, Isaac. She arrived home safe. Parents are happy and grateful! xo
Check out the shoes!!!!