Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Spirit Celebration in Denton, Texas, was over the weekend. Cheer Central traveled by bus as a team. The team ended up in second place out of a large number of teams! They also were awarded their Bid to the World Championships in April. This is an amazing feat! This is very early in the season for them to be so good. They competed twice on Sunday. At the end of the routine, when they fall to the ground, they spell out "SUNS".

SUPER PROUD MAMA NOTE: Miss Blake was awarded a "WOW" award at the end of the competition. This is an individual award which I have never seen offered at any competition. They said she had a genuine smile and they couldn't take their eyes off of her as she performed. Yea Baby! That's my girl! xo

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Building a deck!

Sure there is snow on the ground and the temperature has not been above 40 degrees, but we're building a deck! The boys and good friend, Rob, have been hard at work. I want a hexagon shape with the center cut out to add the fire pit in the middle. I have not been their favorite for the past two days. Clay would much rather do square with no bells and whistles. Thank you, Sweetie, for lovin' me SO much! xo

Monday, November 8, 2010

Competition Season Starts!

Yes, it is too early for competition season! Blake's team will travel to Denton, Texas next weekend to compete in their first National Competition. Two teams of 20 from their gym will be traveling by bus. I volunteered to miss this one.
The gym had thier beginning of the year "Showoff" yesterday. The teams were AMAZING!!! Blake's team is one of two premier, level 5 teams! I am super excited for the new season. They have new uniforms this year and new routines. I have pictures and videos of both that I am dying to post, but they are top secret until I hear otherwise. Crazy, I know, but this is serious stuff! ;o)

Elk Hunting

Evan and Clay left for Chaffee County to elk hunt on Friday. Blake and I enjoyed a weekend with no boys in the house. ;o) We finally heard from the boys late Sunday to hear they have had no luck yet. They were going to hunt Monday morning and return home late that night. I am crossing my fingers for a kill. I would really like to have my boys home next weekend. They, on the other hand, are probably enjoying the free time, cussin', passin' gas, drinkin'(for Clay), and smellin' pretty rank. Don't get too used to it. Reality awaits in Fort Collins!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wrestling Season!

Evan has decided to go out for wrestling and we are proud parents!! The practices are mostly conditioning and we rarely hear him complain. The meets are set up as varsity wrestles first in sixteen weight categories from 75 lbs. to 167 lbs. and heavy weight. Varsity is chosen two days before the meet and could be either an eighth grader or a seventh grader. Evan was varsity this week at 167. Preston vs. Kinard was Friday afternoon and Preston pretty much got spanked, but it was our first meet. We will get the hang of it. Evan wrestled an eighth grader who I thought had a full beard! But anyhoo, having seven days of practice with no wrestling background and no signs of whiskers, he did awesome! He didn't win, but he gave it his all and we couldn't be more proud! Matches are Tuesday and Friday! Go Pumas!!!