Sunday, July 24, 2011

Collegiate All American!!!

Miss Blake attended an NCA cheerleading camp with her team over the weekend. Her team won first in their division and earned a gold level paid bid the the Daytona National Championship in April! Individually, she earned the prestigious title of Collegiate All American!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Just the three of us!

Evan is enjoying his new role as a single child! With Blake being so busy and out of town, he gets Mom and Dad all to himself. I do worry I may suffocate him with love when she leaves for school. ;o)
We enjoyed an afternoon in Estes Park fishing at the lake yesterday. I am a lucky girl!

Golf Tournament at Ptarmigan

Miss Blake was the Hooters girl representative on Hole 13 at the annual Ptarmigan golf tournament before she left for Oklahoma. She was thrilled to spend the day in the sun visiting with the golfers. By the end of the day, she was bored out of her mind. The second picture makes me giggle, yet I still think she's gorgeous! xo

Harry Potter!

Yes, our family is insane for Harry Potter. We have read every book, listened to every book on tape while we travel, and seen every movie several times. So, we had to take part in the premier showing of The Deathly Hallows Part 2 along with 2400 other Fort Collins residents! We purchased tickets 2 weeks ago and Thursday evening we began to stand in line at 6 p.m. for the 12:11 a.m. showing supplied with caffeine and mosquito repellent. Evan, Clay and I did this in Fort Collins and Miss Blake did this in Stillwater, OK. She sent a picture of the moon in the clouds while she waited in line.

OSU Cheer Practice

Week two of cheer practice ended yesterday. Miss Blake spent the week in Stillwater again with teammates from all over. She says she is having a great time. Today, she is spending the day with Grandma and Granddad in Wynnewood. We can't wait to pick her up tonight.
Next week, her team will go to Dallas for a cheerleading camp where they will perform their routine in hopes of receiving a paid bid to Daytona Beach NCA Nationals in April. The following week, she will leave for school for the semester.
I ask her to send me pictures of her daily activities to help me cope with her absence. Sometimes she cooperates, sometimes she does not. We're learning to find our way. xo

The boys!

JD, Layne, and Jake went with Clay and Blake to go get the wings for our graduation party. Blake asked her coworkers to come over for a photo shoot with her cousins. The boys were hesitant, but I think they were thrilled! ;o)