Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Young Man!

What's a little humiliation to go along with a 15th birthday? I wish I had to video to share. Evan can certainly shake his tail feathers! xo

OSU Homecoming

OSU Homecoming is this weekend. As I had mentioned before, they are known for their Homecoming Experience. Part of Miss Blake's commitment to her sorority includes "pomping". This is gluing millions of tissue paper squares into millions of chicken wire squares to create the "Homecoming Experience" that people come from all over to view and take part in. Here are some pictures of the Zeta display. Note, the display is 15 to 20 feet tall and are wide enough to cover the view of the house behind it. Miss Blake has been pomping for over two months with a 16 hour-a-week commitment. She has spent the last 48 hours, without sleep, pomping! The results are amazing! Yes, the entire display is tissue paper!!!

Driver's Permit

It's official! Evan is behind the wheel! We got to the DMV 30 minutes before opening only to wait in line...sheesh! He passed the exam, the eye exam and the crazy amount of paperwork and humiliation from Mom and Dad taking pictures! We have had a few close calls but are chalking those experiences up to "opportunities to learn". So proud of you, young man! xo

Hello Fall!

Our back yard is so amazing this time of year! The fall color is super vibrant this season. We had an agressive wind storm the other day that blew a lot of the color away. It was the forest behind the house that received the brunt of the storm. Timberrrrrr! Blow away wind!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Orange Power!

Even the knomes wear orange in Stillwater! xo