Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fillin' up the Trampoline Pit

We had a load of dirt dropped off in the street in front of the house on Monday. The large load took up half of the width of the street and stood over six feet tall. The boys have been pacing themselves with wheelbarrow trips from the front to the back fighting mosquitoes and the heat. Clay conveniently had to fly to Wyoming Tuesday through Wednesday, so Evan and I took over where they left off. Evan has been the true hero here. He wakes up early, does a few trips with the wheelbarrow before the heat hits, goes out mid afternoon for ten more trips, and finishes off his evening with even more trips. He sweeps up the mess, puts the shovels and tools away, and does it with a smile and a sense of pride. Clay, Blake and I are super proud of him! Way to go Evan! S'mores on us when the deck is complete! xo

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