Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cheer Photo Shoot!

Blake's team mom, Mary Grace, put together a photo shoot for the Small Senior Limited Co-ed team. There are 6 seniors leaving this year with Blake being one of them. Here are some great shots of her and her team. Thanks Mary Grace! You ARE the BEST!!! xo

We have been so blessed to be coached by such an amazing group. Coach Sybil, Coach Aaron and Coach Kyle have coached Blake for four years now. They have instilled the belief that anything IS possible and WE believe!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A work in progress . . .

The sun is out in Colorado and we are finally on track again building our deck. Rob and Clay finished the structure of the deck today. And now on to the decking... We will top the deck off with a fireproof Trex and have a fire pit in the center. I am excited to see the finished project. Oh please, Oh please be done by graduation.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Beer in Chicago

So, yes, traveling for cheer isn't all about cheer. I occasionally get to step out and see some local sites. There was a tavern across the street from our hotel that my roomie and I frequented. We were impressed that certain booths had beer taps AT THE TABLE!!! Now that's convenient!!! It's self serve and the computer screen on the table tallies the ounces poured. Genius, I say!!
I had a fun night with my roommate, Tracy, and Tracy (aka Daddy Sloan) drinking beer in Chicago...and made it home easy walk across the street.
The photo wasn't so blurry when we took it. ;o)

. . . "I like pizza, Steve!" . . .

;o) te he he he he.


We returned from Chicago with a third place finish! The team did fantastic! We are now in serious preparation-mode getting ready for the World Championships in April. The competitions in Dallas and Chicago gave us a great look at our competitors. I believe this team will make a great showing on the Worlds stage!

Spring Football Camp

Evan is enjoying an afternoon tackle football camp this Spring. The camp is coached by the Fossil Ridge High School Football program and they have a lot of guest coaches as well. Evan is having a blast and carries his bruises around like trophies! The fat lip is his least favorite. Stay low, Evan!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Thank you all for your thoughtful birthday wishes!! You certainly know how to make a girl feel special!! Our family enjoyed a nice birthday dinner at Bonefish. They showered me with love all weekend long. I am blessed!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Action Images

This is a great picture of Blake.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Evan in Oklahoma!!!

Blake, Evan, and I flew to Oklahoma City instead of Dallas and saved a lot on airfare. Grandma Perry and Aunt Monie picked us up at the airport and we all drove south to Wynnewood. Evan stayed the next few days with Grandma and Granddad while we drove south to Dallas. He enjoyed his visit so much. He even got to go hog hunting again with Clay's good friend, Jeff. We feel so blessed to have so many loved ones around us to love our kiddos too!
Evan had a great time playing with Granddad's new toy, a Segway. He and Blake also enjoyed a ride on Grandma's scooter. Clay was able to meet us in Wynnewood after a business trip and we all flew home together. It's good to be home! xo

Dallas - Nationals #2

We traveled to Dallas over the weekend to compete at the NCA National Championships. Blake's teams competed in a division of 31 teams. 31 in just her division is crazy! They ended up in 13th which is SUPER! The point spread between 5th and 13th was less than one point. It was anyone's game.

They did amazing. If you would like to see the routine, go to
Click on the "Championship Coverage" link in the middle of the page.
Enter "Cheer Central Rise" in the search box on the right.

There are three videos total of their team. The first is a close up where you can see my girl occasionally, the second is day 1, and third is day 2.