Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Evan in Oklahoma!!!

Blake, Evan, and I flew to Oklahoma City instead of Dallas and saved a lot on airfare. Grandma Perry and Aunt Monie picked us up at the airport and we all drove south to Wynnewood. Evan stayed the next few days with Grandma and Granddad while we drove south to Dallas. He enjoyed his visit so much. He even got to go hog hunting again with Clay's good friend, Jeff. We feel so blessed to have so many loved ones around us to love our kiddos too!
Evan had a great time playing with Granddad's new toy, a Segway. He and Blake also enjoyed a ride on Grandma's scooter. Clay was able to meet us in Wynnewood after a business trip and we all flew home together. It's good to be home! xo

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