We left Miss Blake in Stillwater two weeks before school started because she wanted to participate in the Fall Sorority Recruitment. The week included over 800 girls trying to find a good "fit" for a sorority home. After day two, each girl has to narrow their choice of 11 houses to 8, and the houses are narrowing their choices as well. They say it is rare to have 8 to choose from after day three, Miss Blake had 8. She visited all eight and had to narrow down to 5. The houses were narrowing their choices as well. They say it is rare to have 5 to choose from after day three, Miss Blake had 5. After day four, down to 3. She had 3. After day five, she makes her choice as do the houses.
I flew down after the week to participate in Bid day. There is a list for parents stating which house each participant was selected. Zeta Tau Alpha selected Miss Blake. It was her first choice. I waited at the house while the girls ran to their selected house. Fraternity boys lined the street. It was quite a production! Wow! I really felt good leaving, knowing she had one more family unit to take care of her.
As a member of the sorority, she has strict GPA guidelines, study rooms available, three meals a day all week, and lots of opportunities to fully enjoy the OSU experience. It's gonna be a good life!
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