Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Miss Blake's Sweet Sixteen

Miss Blake turned 16 while away for the WORLD championships. This didn't stop us from celebrating though! The team put together a prom night for all of the teammates who had to miss their prom at home to go to WORLDS. They dressed in their formal gowns and suits and ties and looked fantastic. They celebrated their prom at the pool Saturday night and the weather was gorgeous. I can't imagine the temp was less than 75. I had set up the area with princess tiaras for the girls and crowns for the boys along with candy jewels and princess rubber duckies in the pool to represent my princess and her special day! The entire team and coaches, 40+ in all, enjoyed an evening of music, dancing, cupcakes, and fun!

Clay and Evan and their world-wind Orlando vacation!

No time to rest when there are so many rides to ride and parks to visit for my boys! We arrived in Orlando on Thursday late afternoon. Evan swam in the pool for a while then we headed down to Downtown Disney to check out the sites. Friday, Aunt Judy who lives in Orlando and works for Disney, was generous enough to offer Evan and Clay two free days at the park. Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom on Friday and Epcot on Saturday. Cheryl's youngest, Dillan, came along for the fun, too! They made a brief visit to Wide World of Sports on Saturday to watch Miss Blake compete and were off again to the parks. They had a blast! Sunday consisted of a day at Universal Studios which was, by far, Evan's favorite park. Lots of roller coasters! Oh, and for me, when I wasn't hanging with Miss Blake, which was not much this trip, I was sitting by the pool with my good buddy, Stephanie, reading a novel and drinking a cocktail. Life is good! We flew home Monday and slept the whole way home. Whew! Back to reality!

Top 10 in the WORLD!

WOW! Miss Blake and her team competed at the WORLD championships in Orlando, Florida this past weekend. The division she usually competed in, CoEd with up to 13 boys, was added to the unlimited division, 14 + boys on a team. Obviously, the teams with the most boys really have the advantage with the extra strength and phenominal tumbling skills. Yet, we held our own and represented Colorado proudly! Last year when I watched this outrageous division at WORLDS, I would never have thought that our team would compete at that level. This division is definately the BEST of the BEST and I am so proud to say I was wrong to limit the possibilities. Never underestimate the will of my daughter and the skill and determination of her gym, the Cheer Central Suns! This was a great finale to a fantastic season!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Videos of the kids skydiving.

These are fun! I apologize for the videography. :o)

Clay's Birthday Celebration!

Clay's birthday falls on Easter this year so we decided to celebrate a couple of days early. We went to Denver and did some indoor skydiving. I was the photographer. Clay did a total of 4 minutes and the kids each did 2 minutes. They had a blast! Evan was really a natural. Clay really would like to do the real thing and I am just not ready for that. Maybe for my 40th I will be ready to take the big jump with him right beside me.

Lake Las Vegas Trip

Clay and I had a great relaxing trip to Las Vegas. He was in class half of each of the four days we were there. I read a great novel, met some nice ladies, got a great hot stone massage, and sat by the lake in my free time. We took a trip into town to the Strip and ate dinner at the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Hotel. It was FANTASTIC! We had a great view of the sun setting over the Bellagio fountains. It was a great trip! A blizzard was visiting Northern Colorado while we were gone and the kids got two snow days! The kids stayed with Grandma Perry and didn't miss us for even one day. Thanks Grandma!