Sunday, June 14, 2009

Evan's 5th Grade Grad Party!

Fort Collins had adopted the plan that middle school will now be 6th, 7th, and 8th grade with high school being 9-12. Evan will be in the first 6th grade class to do this. To celebrate the end of the elementary years, we through a shin-dig with 20 of his classmates, male and female. What a trip! YIKES! I am not quite sure what I was thinking except now, Gosh, I have great kids!!!! Maybe it was the maturity level, but between some of the boys (not mine) throwing things at the girls just to see if they could hurt them, to kids (not mine) hanging from the willow tree branches until they broke, to the some of the kids(not mine) ripping the trampoline cover just to see what would happen, I couldn't believe it! Again, Gosh I have great kids! Anyhoo, we have some great pics of the party. I think I will wait a couple of years to get the group together again. ;o)

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