Saturday, September 26, 2009

Back to School!

Mackenzie is a junior this year at Fossil Ridge High School and Evan is a sixth grader at Preston Middle School, yes, that would be PMS. Anyhoo, they are both doing fantastic and are adjusting to their new schedules of school, practice, and social time. I am very proud.

Mackenzie has to miss Homecoming this year for Cheer Choreography. The gym flys in some top dog choreographer from out of state and they create a routine over four days and 30+ hours of practice. Insane ~ I know! But this is our life.

Evan will get to do an Eco week trip again this year with his sixth grade class to Pingree Park in October for three days. I know he'll have a blast. I know I wouldn't because it could be snowing and too damn cold. He's a trooper though, unlike his mama and his sister.

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