Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Evan!

Twelve years old! WOW! My sweet baby boy just had a birthday and had a great week celebrating. Mackenzie decorated his locker the night before his birthday so he walked into school to see a gift wrapped locker filled with balloons. He was surprised and thrilled that she went to such efforts. We had a family dinner at the Melting Pot where Evan claimed to say "Evan is in Heaven" when dessert was delivered. Friday night we drove 6 of his good buddies to Denver, went to the IMAX theater to view a showing of Sea Monsters, then to Casa Bonita for dinner. Funny thing, I celebrated my seventh birthday at Casa Bonita and it hasnt changed a bit (and the food is still bad ;o) ). He saved his birthday money to purchase an XBox 360. The boy was on a mission. He is very proud that he was able to get it without mom and dad's help. One more year before he's a teen. I am savoring every second.

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