Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas day in Salida!

So we wake up to see what's in our stockings, shower, and load up the car to drive to Salida to see my family. Even though it sounds like an inconvenience, I truly love the drive with the kids close and cell phone service lacking. We arrived at my sister Sam's to a house full. As I was introducing Blake's friend, Sam, to all of my family, the reality of it sank in and I had to giggle. My mom was there with her husband, Fred. My dad was there with his wife, Peggy. My sister, Niki's dad, Rod, was there, too. Grandma and Papa Turner were there visiting with us all. I would really like to see a Christmas card next year with Mom, her husband, and her two ex-husbands ~ this is our life. Fortunately, the big D doesn't tear this family apart, it brings us all together for the holidays. xo

The boys woke early the next morning to hunt for Evan's cow elk. No luck on day one, but they stayed behind in Chaffee County and the girls and I returned back to the city. I am hoping the next post is about Evan's big kill. Cross your fingers.

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