Monday, January 31, 2011

Too Handsome Not to Share!

Evan's football and wrestling pictures. 2010.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

OU fan "in da house!"

This may be a problem. The Perry's tend to be OU fans, my son and husband included. Blake's first choice right now is Oklahoma State University, a different shade of crimson to say the least. Note Evan's gun signal as he sports his gift from OSU.

Sam Houston State University Visit

Blake and I just returned from Huntville, Texas, last night after visiting Sam Houston State University. We toured the campus and attended a cheer workshop on Saturday. SHSU offers great scholarships for their cheer program. We came, we saw, now we have some big decisions to make. The weather was amazing, 75 degrees on day one, and Blake loved that the campus was on several hills, to keep her in shape. ;o)
We loved the campus. The town was a little dated. They do have a WalMart and a Target, though, which I was surprised to hear.

Note: The big guy in the video, Blake is a very quick flyer, she did some sort of fast maneuver and took him OUT! No, I didn't get it on video, but we got a good giggle. She is a warrior! Big guy down! Te he he he.

More Good Times with Friends

No complaints about 2011 from me ~ We have been able to hang out with dear friends again this January!!! Scott and Lisa were able to get us all together again for another Nuggets game with Michael and Christina, Christina's parents, and all of our kiddos! What a blessing and a blast. Our kids are all about the same age with me having the oldest, Blake, WHAT!?!? YET, I am the youngest, just to get that out there. ;o) Another really fun night! Thanks Drobnys! xo

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Oklahoma State University Visit

She had a blast and she feels like a huge weight has been lifted from her shoulders. Blake enjoyed her visit to OSU. She loved the people, the campus, the cheer program, the dorms, the recreation center, . . . I could go on and on. She enjoyed visiting with the family members who live in Stillwater and feels like she could contact them if ever she was in need. She told me that even if she didn't make the team, which is highly unlikely, that this would still be a top choice for her. That means a lot. We are so proud and excited for her.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

OSU Visit

I just got a call from my girl that she is at the gate awaiting her flight to Oklahoma City. This is her first solo flight. Grandma and Granddad will be waiting to pick her up at the airport and take her to Stillwater to see the campus. Clay will be driving their vehicle down, visiting the campus, and will fly home with her on Saturday. Grandma Pat has a cousin and other relatives who live in Stillwater who are OSU Alumni. They have big plans to entice Blake to commit to OSU! I am excited to see what she thinks yet I am really sad that I can't be there to check it out myself. Good thing Evan is with me to distract me. xo
The photo is of Blake with members of the OSU cheerleading co-ed squad. She was able to sit in on a practice on Thursday night and they asked her to come back to stunt with them on Friday night. She loved it and it sounds like they loved her!!! Of course they did!!! xo

Sam Houston State University

We will be flying to Houston, Texas, next weekend to visit the Sam Houston State University campus in Huntsville and attend a spirit clinic. We are excited to see what they have to offer.
I was pleased to find out that my dear friend, Chandi, graduated from SHSU. Chandi took an hour out of her busy schedule to sit with our family and chat about her experience. She said she loved it there and had some great advice for Blake. We were so thrilled to hear everything she had to say! Decisions ~ Decisions!

Proud Parents!

The kids both finished the first semester with outstanding grades! We are super proud! Evan is entering his second semester without an afternoon activity (football, wrestling) yet is enjoying a little bit of free time! Track will come soon enough. Blake's second semester is super easy as it should be. She had enough credits to graduate at semester, but I am glad she is still enjoying what is left of her high school years. We will be traveling a lot the next couple of months. A light load is just the ticket!

CU-OSU Basketball

We had an opportunity to attend the Colorado University - Oklahoma State University basketball game on Saturday. It was a great game! Graduating from Colorado State University, it just doesn't feel right rooting for the Black and Gold. We were impressed by the OSU support in Boulder. We met several OSU alumni supporting the Pokes! We had a great time.

Wynnewood, Oklahoma

They have been "threatening" us that they wanted to move to Oklahoma for a while. Johnny and Pat finally packed up the house and did it. We still don't want to believe it, but we know they are happy there. Wynnewood, Oklahoma, is their hometown. They went to high school there, secretly got married at 15 and 16, and started their family there. This familiar little town still occupies many family members and lots of friends from the past. The elevation is pretty darn appealing also.
Our family will miss having Grandma and Granddad across the street. Even Moose is sad. If Blake chooses OSU as her college of choice, she will certainly enjoy having them a few hours away.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011 - Bring it!

From our home to yours, we wish you all a happy, healthy, wonderful new year! xo

Class of '87 Unite!

Clay and Evan went back to Chaffee County before the new year to try and fill Evan's elk tag. Warm weather has really put a damper on Evan's chances to kill an elk. They did enjoy time with Kenny and JD!
Thursday night Clay, Evan and JD traveled to Buena Vista to visit with some friends from high school. JD was sporting his Uncle Dean's Salida Spartan letter jacket from 1985. The purple and white is always an attention grabber in BV. They all got a good giggle about that. Clay enjoyed visiting with Jeff Puckett, Charlie Abel, Ken Scar, Taf McMurry, Amy Reno and Heidi Cofer. Evan made us proud as he always does by taking care of the young kiddos and presenting himself with high character and his kind nature.