Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Graduation Class of 2011

I made it through the weekend, but the fact that my first born has graduated from high school is now settling in and I am not quite sure how I feel about that. I do know that I am a super proud mama. Miss Blake graduated with honors on Friday night. We had our backyard party on Sunday. So many people from so many places came to celebrate with us. I was overwhelmed by the support, love, and well wishes. It was great to see how many groups of people have been apart of our family. We had several kids from Rocky Mountain High School visit. These were friends from when we lived on the other side of town. We had several kids from Fossil Rigde High School visit. We had several friends travel from Denver that were from our cheer family. We had relatives from Canon City, Westcliffe, Colorado Springs, Buena Vista, Salida, and of course, Wynnewood, Oklahoma, visit. Our neighbors visited. Our co-workers visited. Our dear friends from high school also came to celebrate! What a fantastic day it was!

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