Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Off to Atlanta!!!

We are packing our bags and heading off to Atlanta this Thursday. Miss Blake will compete late Saturday night and late Sunday night. Their team is competing for a bid to the World Championships. The bids are difficult to get but I really believe they have a shot. This year, her team is in the Senior Unlimited Co-Ed Division. This means there are more than 13 boys on the team ~ 23 to be exact (13 girls). It is an entirely different dynamic with this many boys on the team, but this is the division that everyone wants to watch. The Cheersport competition in Atlanta is the biggest national competition of the year. I think I heard over 900 teams compete over the weekend.

They competed in Atlanta last year and did earn their bid at this venue. I loved Atlanta and am excited to go back. Fried green tomatoes ~ here I come!

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