Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wild Pig Hunt in Oklahoma!

Clay and Evan drove to Oklahoma while we were in Dallas. They met up with some of Clay's buddies from high school, Jeff Puckett and Charlie Abel. This is a picture of Evan in the blind. I hear they had a blast. Evan told me "what happens in hunting camp stays in hunting camp", so I don't have much information. Clay came home with a pig and Evan came home with more information about Clay's high school days than I care for him to know. :o) They are talking about another hunt over Spring Break, but we'll see.


  1. Really Nice job Roberta.
    I was scanning for Perry Olson and the Perry Family in Oklahoma came up. I remember Clay saying he was an old OKY and I opened it.
    To my suprise Evan came up. Wow really nice.
    I think Shelly and I need to do the same thing for our family.
    By the way Happy Birthday I hope you and Clay only the best.

  2. Thank you Terry! Gosh, I have never had anyone comment on my blog. I didnt even know to look for comments. I am glad you enjoy it. I enjoy doing it. It fills my heart. I hope you and Shelly are well. I think a Colorado vacation should be on your agenda. ;o)
