Sunday, August 26, 2012

Change is good!

I recently made the decision to leave the position I had with my employer of the past four years. I was just not happy there anymore and had not been for a while. It was best for me, my kids, and my hubby for me to move on! And move on, I did! I am now employed at Mountain Kids Pediatric Dentisty. I started as additional administrative help and am now the co-office manager with my dear friend, Jaymi! I love who I work with, I love what the company is about, and I love my job! Wow...that's a change! I am doing most of their marketing which is so fun for me. I was asked to get a gift for one of our referring doctors who recently had a baby boy. I decided to make a diaper motor bike! It was so cute...and I got paid to do what I love. Crazy good!

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